Vaikhari Aryat
SAVARI strongly condemns the police brutality on students and faculty, which included verbal threats of rape hurled at women students; the profiling of politically active students and the unpardonable ongoing acts of depriving access to food, water and communication. Hostel students have the additional burden of keeping their parents and families assured of their safety, we demand that this violent and disgraceful situation be immediately diffused and restore the democratic rights of the students and faculty of UoH.
This is a compilation of Vaikhari Aryat’s updates on the atrocious situation unfolding in UoH since yesterday. She is a research scholar at UoH, and is trying hard to get information out to the world about the extremely vulnerable situation the students have been forced into:
Just got news that those students who were busy with community cooking at North campus shop com got arrested by police! Police says it is a public place and we can’t cook there! About 51 students are arrested and counting! Looks like whoever walks into shop com gets arrested now! University has also blocked SBH debit cards issued by university along with food, water, electricity and internet! They are turning us prisoners inside our very own campus! This is no more a university campus! This is a Nazi camp!
Is anyone out there listening? Or are you guys waiting for our dead bodies to extend solidarity?
Regarding food in UoH:
I see some updates from people and social and cultural groups outside campus, offering food for UoH students. Thank you all for raising to the occasion. Sad reality is that, our movements are restricted by university authorities and cyberabad police at the moment. The nook and corner of the campus are invaded by police and administration has officially shut down all the gates to university except main gate. We are left with zero option to get out. Students from LH 3 reportedly ordered food from outside but police did not let the delivery guy inside campus. He had to go back with food. After about 24hrs of no food, we opened the mess ourselves, cleaned it and cooked food with whatever was available in store. We will continue to cook till our rations run out. After that, we have no idea what we are going to do.
Students at ladies hostel south mess and north mess, please come to south mess. Lunch is prepared for all by students themselves. Please let all your friends know.

Undeclared emergency is prevailing in UoH now. No food, no water, no electricity and no internet. Sangh administration, police and ABVP nexus do whatever they can to suppress all kinds of resistance. Media play their role by hiding reality and police brutality on students and painting nonviolent protesters as hooligans who tore apart VC’s lodge and poor sangh puppets! While there are students who are privileged enough to afford food from outside, there is a good majority of students who depend entirely on mess food. It is not because of the quality of the food. It is because that is the only thing some of us can afford. When you shut down dining halls and canteens which provide food for students at a subsidized rate, you are punishing a good majority of us for the offense of being unprivileged! Who the hell are you running this Nazi camp for by murdering students day by day?
I see sangh parivar administration, sangh police hooligans and ABVP students who betrays their own student community playing holi with our blood today!
University cut off our internet facility since forenoon. There’s no drinking water available in mess, no dining hall opened anymore and internet blackout too. This is going really well VC. You have got us starved, thirsty and alienated from reaching out to outside world! Around 30 students are arrested (we are yet to confirm the numbers even) and 3 faculty members are taken into custody along with them. Students say police were shouting ‘Muslims are terrorists’ while beating up students.
In other news, media people were busy reporting ‘vandalism by protesters’ that they didn’t find enough time to cover police hooligans beating up and molesting students and faculties alike! We condemn the malicious lie spread by media that protesters vandalized VC’s lodge. It was ABVP which barricaded VC’s lodge from rest of the students with furnitures and created unnecessary tensions shouting ‘bharat mata ki jai’ at us while protecting killer Appa Rao Podile. They were the ones who actually vandalized the place, thereby. Also, police did stop students who were filming their brutality, beat them up and even broke cameras. A police man in mufti was shouting rape threats at female students all the while beating them up.
Maturity police issues rape threats, makes racist and sexist comments at students and brutally attacks students and faculty members physically!
Police violence:
Male police brutally grabbed, molested, tossed and beat female students and faculties alike. Female faculties were grabbed by their hair and dragged into vans. Male students were swept inside the van and were beaten without mercy. When I ran after them questioning that, police harassed me. They asked where I am from and when I told them its none of their business, they made a pass on my skin tone and threatened to teach me how to behave and tried to chase me away. They were doing the same to other students. They were rounding up stranded students and started chasing them beating.. Many of us are in health center and some are moved outside. 3 vans of students are arrested by now.
Shame on you VC for facilitating this violence against your own students!
We got hold of the ‘action plan’ email that was sent out to faculties regarding ‘smuggling’ the killer VC back inside university of Hyderabad without letting its students know. What a shameful story! This is so shameful that it is actually sounding funny! We are sitting at VC’s lodge lawns, while Prashant reads out VC’s press release which is another joke! (It will be uploaded soon in JAC’s page) We condemn the ridiculous statements he made in the press release. In between, for demanding to arrest the killer VC with regard to the case filed against him, police call us immature! They do not even have the wisdom to understand what we are demanding is as per the constitution of India and the constitution of university of Hyderabad which Appa Rao Podile is actually violating smile emoticon
Maturity police go back!
This university was functioning almost normally till the killer has returned! He is back to disrupt the academic activities of the entire campus now! We want the murderer out of the campus! We know he will try to avenge whoever protested against him and will try to destroy evidences.
Police are planning to move us from here meanwhile. We remain here still even if it means we remain without food or sleep!
Non teaching staff has decided to play along with killer VC’s tunes. They declared they are striking against students. All the messes in UoH are closed now. We are all here. Professors started joining us. Heavy police force deployed all over. They might lathi charge any moment. Since we believe in constitution, we appeal the police to arrest killer Appa Rao against whom the case has been charged under SC/ST atrocities act. Library is also closed. We are going for strike till he is arrested!
VC chamchanahisahenge!
ABVP sharamkaro!
Killer VC down down!
Image courtesy: Facebook.
Let’s build nationwide movement along with Bhartiya Vidyarthi Morcha and BAMCEF against such conspiracies.
We all Followers of equality are with you and will stand against the bramhanvad, Manuvad.
We want caste atrocities o stop in this country and castes to be abolished.
Now in this RSS led BJP govt and ABVP which is a group of goons with fake identity of patriotism are doing all atrocities and trying their best to silence each and every voice of equality and justice.
I see the picture of imperialism and not democracy.
We want india free of Bramhanvad.
We are with you n will stay forever. You just keep it on we are spreading n sharing relevant info on UoH.
thanks for the true update. we will do what ever best to our abiilities.
Thanks for the true update
It is shameful & criminal.
Kahan hai jise naaz hai Hind par?
Cruelty and suppression is still alive.
Nothing less than slavery.
It is open gundagardi.
Don’t loose your patience & face the situation with bravery.
They are laying foundation of their downfall which is certain
Brahamanvad !! Hay! Hay!
Wrost condition of country for humanity!
Government not giving best support to the stUdent. We need to give support For justice.
यह तानाशाही हो रही है मोदी सरकार और आर एस एस की तरफसे.इसे रोकनेके लिए जल्द कुछ करणा होगा….
अब हम इस देश के दलित मिलकर इस देश में आग लगा देंगे।जिसको बुझाना मनुवादियो के बस की बात नही होगी।
क्योकि जब अन्याय अत्याचार हद पार कर देता है तो क्रान्ति का जन्म होता हैं।
इसके लिए सबसे पहले लोगो को मनुवाद के चन्गुल से मुक्त होना जरुरी है .
शर्म महसूस होती हैं मुझे एैसे लोगों पर जो विचारों की लड़ाई छोड़कर गुन्डागर्दि पर उतर आते है। क्या यही तुम्हारी सभ्यता है? नहीं यह कायरता है। अरे दम है तो सामने बैठकर विचारों से लडो।फिर देखते कौन सच है और कौन झुट है।
Etna samajik attyachar sirf ham S.C. par kyon,
kyon discussion nahi karte sab es Country ko in samajik thekedaro ki manmaani par..
Jab Country World teacher bankar saamne rakhi Jai rahi hai wanha sirf ham S.C. ko sirf Caste k liye maar dia jaay…
kya yahi hamare Desh ki Pahchaan hai.
sirf Caste batane waale ‘Manu’ ko hi Bhagwaan ka aadesh bata dia..
Ye Bilkul galat ho raha hai hamari society me..
agar ese roka na gaya to Society ko eske bhayankar paridam bhugatne padenge..
Ye tanasahi hai RSS&BJP ki ab kaha gayi desbkti,are kuch to sirm karo Dunia&deshwasi sub dekh&samjh rahe hai
यह दुखद और चिंताजनक विषय है की पुलिस जो की संविधान तथा नागारिकों के प्रति अपने फर्ज अदा करनेकी कसम खाती हैं वही पुलिस सत्तारूढ़ प्रशासन के दबाव में तथा उन्हें खुश करनेके लिए अपनेही बेकसूर आवाम को अपना फर्ज भूल कर रौंद रही हैं। और जो वौइस् चांस्लोर जो अपना प्रतिशोध ले रहे हैं वह दर्शाता हैं की वे मनुवाद से पूर्णतया ग्रसित हैं ।
आप जो कार्य कर रहे हैं, में उसे सलाम करता हूँ और आपका कार्य व्यर्थ नहीं जाएगा, आपकी न्यायपूर्ण आव़ाज सभी न्यायप्रिय और संविधान प्रिय लोंगो तक पोहोचेगी, इसलिए में/हम प्रयासरत हैं !
शहीदे आझम भगत सिंग ने काहा हैं की, सम्पूर्ण दुनियाँ का इतिहास खंगाल लो, उसमे युवको के रक्त से लिखित अमर संदेश दिखेंगे । सभी क्रांतियों की, स्वतंत्र संग्रामो की वर्णने देखों, उसमे केवल उवक ही मिलेंगे, जिन्हें बुद्धिवंतो ने सिरफिरे, भटके हुवे कहके अपमानित किया हैं। लेकिन जो लोग सुरक्षित किलो में बैठे हैं उन्हें क्या मालुम की किलो के खंदकों पर खुदहिके शरीरो के पुल तैयार करने वाले जापानी युवक किस पोलाद से बने होते हैं ?
हमारा ऐसा विश्वास हैं की जब शासन मानव के मौलिक अधिकारों पर पाबंदियां लगाने का वर्तन करती हैं तभी उस शासन का विनाश करना मनुष्य का कर्तव्य बन जाता हैं।
We believe that when a government becomes destructive of natural right of man, it is man’s duty to destroy that government..!!!
suupporting the cause…shame on uoh;central govt…biased behaviour…
Hopless govt. Dear friends we all with you people.
Ya righy i agree ur comment
Ek dalit ne socite kiya to atyachar ho gya baki kisi ke sath hota hai to ham usko atyachar kyu nhi kahte sabhi atyacharon ke prati ham virodh kyu nhi karte
Shame on central government and state government for brutal act on students and professors. Lynching of democracy
Very henius shameful on our democracy govt