Editors, What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means to Me We thank our readers for their warm reception of our book What Babasaheb Means to Me. Figures from …

adivasi bahujan and dalit women conversing
adivasi bahujan and dalit women conversing
Editors, What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means to Me We thank our readers for their warm reception of our book What Babasaheb Means to Me. Figures from …
Praveena Thaali K J Inayammal passed away on 26 Septmeber 2017 at Kottayam. SAVARI pays tribute to this Dalit woman leader from Kerala. Below, Praveena …
Pradnya Jadhav I now begin to feel that there is a fundamental rupture in my understanding of what it means to be a Dalit. I …
We are happy to share the release of the second book published by The Shared Mirror. ‘What Babasaheb Means to Me’ is an edited volume …
On her birthday, Savari salutes our fore-mother Savitribai Phule who inspires and guides us through her truth and wisdom. Remembering her, we are posting an excerpt …
by Madhuri Xalxo Madhuri shares her impression of Sherin Asha’s journey and work. They met each other in Pune at an Insight group meeting last …