Kanika S There was a time some 5-6 years ago when feminism tried to undermine Dr Ambedkar by pointing out that he carried a penis.1 Now …

adivasi bahujan and dalit women conversing
adivasi bahujan and dalit women conversing
Kanika S There was a time some 5-6 years ago when feminism tried to undermine Dr Ambedkar by pointing out that he carried a penis.1 Now …
SAVARI Editorial Team SAVARI invites articles for the forthcoming book on Feminism in the Indian Context. Feminism in the Indian context has had a contentious …
Sruthi Herbert [Sruthi’s recent talk on The violence of Dalit feminist standpoint and Dalit patriarchy.] Hi everyone! Thank you all for being here to have …
Dr Pratibha Ahire (This poem talks about how can we think of feminism when we are witnessing the exodus?) (फेक फेमिनिस्टाना कोलून) मॅडम, तुम्ही दादाचं …
Joopaka Subadra This is the second excerpt from her recent online talk organised by Bharata Nastika Samajam and Scientific Students Federation. Read the earlier one …
Joopaka Subadra This is an excerpt from her recent online talk organised by Bharata Nastika Samajam and Scientific Students Federation. The topic I’m going to …
Anu Ramdas This is the transcript of a preliminary talk on the topic of feminism is brahminism. First, thank you. It is so lovely to …
Sruthi Herbert *Spoiler Alert* This article contains details of the plot which you may not want to know if you intend to watch the movie. …
Praveena Thaali K J Inayammal passed away on 26 Septmeber 2017 at Kottayam. SAVARI pays tribute to this Dalit woman leader from Kerala. Below, Praveena …
Kanika S This article was first published here on Round Table India. It has almost become common sense that feminism has been shaped exclusively by …