Aqui Thami (SAVARI and Round Table India are doing a series to put together the Bahujan perspective on the Coronavirus pandemic) It is not an …

COVID19 response: the immorality of it all
Sruthi Herbert (SAVARI and Round Table India are doing a series to put together the Bahujan perspective on the Coronavirus pandemic) Anu: The pandemic has …

The COVID19 crisis: the perils of separating environmental health from human health
Pradnya Mangala (SAVARI and Round Table India are doing a series to put together the Bahujan perspective on the Coronavirus pandemic) Anu: What is the …

This lockdown is completely against the Dalit-Bahujans
Pradnya Jadhav (SAVARI and Round Table India are doing a series to put together the Bahujan perspective on the Coronavirus pandemic) Anu: How are the …